Imagine how your life could be enhanced with a little inspiration, a bit of pertinent information, a few tips on how to handle issues and having the opportunity to network and share stories with like-minded women!
Meet the AWC WEST 2023 presenters:
Natalia Amiel
Senior Policy Advisor, Programs Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, ON
Workshop title • Supporting Women in Ag through Government Programming
Workshop overview: This workshop will provide a snapshot of funding opportunities available, including through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership. Participants can expect to share their personal experiences and hear stories about applying to agricultural Programs.
Natalia Amiel is a Senior Policy Advisor working on Gender-Based Analysis Plus within Programs Branch at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). AAFC supports the Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector in many ways. From the farmer to the consumer, from the farm to global markets, and through all phases of producing, processing and marketing of farm, food and agri-based products. As agriculture is a shared jurisdiction in Canada, the Department also works closely with provincial and territorial governments in the development and delivery of policies, programs and services.
Ranj Bawa
President & Owner / High Performance Coach, Renewed Balance, Calgary, AB
Presentation title • The “Self” Essentials: Connecting with our Care, Awareness, Confidence and Respect
Presentation overview: Our journey of personal excellence and professional performance is rooted in the important principles that begin within – those key fundamentals that allow us to realize and manifest the best version of ourselves.
Workshop title • The Abundance Mindset
Workshop overview: By focusing on what we have and what is available to us here and now, we have a higher propensity to embrace gratitude. This in turn enables us to create strong expectation that positivity and opportunity are coming our way.
Ranj Bawa has a passion for helping others live, work, and play at their highest level. For 25 years, leaders and professionals have turned to Ranj for advice and guidance in their pursuit of extraordinary performance.
He is the Owner and President of Renewed Balance Lifestyle Coaching, a company that trains and coaches clientele in both the private and corporate realms. He has implemented leadership development, executive excellence, and health programs for organizations and individuals. He and his team of coaches work with their clients in a dynamic, supportive, and caring environment and his clientele spans across North America and Europe.
As an athlete, Ranj was a varsity quarterback for the U.B.C. and Simon Fraser University squads in the early 90’s and then moved into the coaching and training ranks from there. In September 2005, Ranj was chosen as one of Calgary’s “Top 40 under 40” businesspeople for his leadership in the corporate community and his commitment to charity work. In his role as trainer and coach, he has engaged with clients in close to 30,000 hours of one-to-one sessions over the course of his career. Over his two decades in Calgary, Ranj has been devoted to charity and continues to contribute to many meaningful causes, most notably the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation. He is dedicated to excellence and strives to create memorable, valuable, and rewarding experiences for all those with whom he works.
Dr. Caroline Brookfield
Speaker, Veterinarian, Stand up Comic, Artful, Calgary, AB
Presentation title • The reluctant Creative: 5 Effortless Habits to Expand Your Comfort Zone
Presentation overview: The pace of change in the world has accelerated beyond our ability to adapt. Our default tried and true formulas are not working like they used to. Creativity is the prerequisite to innovation, and the antidote to languishing in 2023.
Dr. Caroline Brookfield is a Reluctant Creative. She is a veterinarian, author, speaker, stand-up comic, and mom. Faced with a false ultimatum of art or science, she chose science. Does that sound familiar? If you’re a “left brainer” like Caroline, you might share the belief that creativity is for artists, kids and grandmas, and somewhat ancillary to more important goals. Feeling snubbed, eventually Caroline’s creativity demanded attention like a cat at dinnertime. She learned how to integrate her creative and scientific sides, realizing the importance of both, and that you don’t have to choose. Caroline is passionate about helping you to identify your own barriers to individual, everyday creativity, so that you can speak up, stand out, and build a uniquely satisfying future for yourself. Caroline presents balanced evidence, with easy to understand and actionable takeaways, kind of like a keynote mullet: Fun up front and data in the back. You can also learn how to balance rigor with creative expression to survive the gusting winds of change, with a smile on your face. Caroline received honors for her veterinary degree from the Ontario Veterinary College, is a certified level 2 Creative Problem Solving facilitator, and holds a Certificate of Professional Management from the University of Calgary. She is always up for a challenge, like learning guitar, rock climbing, getting her kids to eat vegetables, surfing, meditation retreats with sniper rifles. You know, the usual stuff. Caroline lives in Calgary, Alberta, where her lectures go unheeded by her family. The dog listens, sometimes.
Lynda Campbell
District Manager Agriculture Services, TD Bank, Calgary, AB
Sponsor Panel Speaker
Panel discussion title • Agriculture is a broad and dynamic industry that is constantly changing. What can women do to be the most effective leaders in today’s environment?
Banker, spouse, mother, grandmother, daughter, and sports enthusiast. Raised in rural Southern Manitoba where both parents grew up on farms and these roots were shared with us. We learned to both work and play hard. I started with the TD Bank right out of high school and was fortunate to stay with an organization that both promoted and supported continued education. I went back to university through correspondence and evening classes and was continually rewarded through new opportunity. Aspiration was always to become a Branch Manager. I was advised to achieve this goal I needed to leave to come back. I was asked to apply for a Branch Manager role in Stettler, AB. Where is Stettler, AB? This move was the hardest decision I ever made. The leadership skillsets gained were vast however the surprise for me was the personal growth opportunity. These were incredible. I learned how to come into a community with my only friends being my family. I had always been incredibly connected both professionally and personally. I had the same friends since childhood. This experience provided me the confidence and bravery to make several additional moves. This advanced my career at the same time expanded my personal connections. Here I am today after 38 years within the same organization gaining experiences in many roles and responsibilities within different lines of businesses. I am grateful be where I am today with the opportunity to meet the most incredible people and be part of the Agricultural Industry.
Alanna Coneybeare
Co-Chair of the Canadian Agricultural Youth Council and Vice President of Operations at Conlee Farms Inc., Listowel, ON
Presentation title • Our Next Generation of Female Leaders Fireside Chat
Presentation overview: Join Dianne Finstad for a discussion with Alanna Coneybeare, a young farmer and youth Co-Chair of the Canadian Agricultural Youth Council. Alanna will share her perspectives on how we can help young women succeed as farmers and fulfill their potential as leaders shaping a brighter future for Canada’s agricultural sector.
I have been very fortunate to have a wonderful breadth of experiences resulting from studying and working in both urban and rural Ontario. I have been farming full time on my family’s dairy, poultry and cash crop farm for the last 6 years. Since coming home from university, I have become a mental health advocate and am constantly exploring how solutions to environmental, social and other issues can be achieved through changes in food systems.
Gail Cunningham
Technical Services Veterinarian/FarmHer/ Entrepreneur, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Canada Inc./Cunningham Farm Ltd., Kelsey, AB
Presentation title • Living a Life Imbalanced
Presentation overview: Navigating career changes, fulltime off Farm work, on farm demands, children and the ever changing agricultural landscape. Finding the opportunity and joy in the unexpected turns, learning new skills and thriving as a woman in agriculture.
Workshop title • So, You want to be an Entrepreneur
Workshop overview: This workshop will focus on advice given from women entrepreneurs in ag who started their business from their careers in ag and moved into entrepreneurship.
Dr. Gail Cunningham was raised on a mixed farm near Camrose, Alberta, obtained a B.Sc. in Animal Science from the University of Alberta in 1992 and a DVM from WCVM in 1996. She worked in mixed animal practice, primarily in beef and dairy production medicine, until completing a Master of Veterinary Science degree in Epidemiology in 2001 at WCVM. At that time she joined Marshall Swine Health Services in Camrose, Alberta doing exclusively swine practice and contract research. She has her own contract research company, and also joined Boehringer Ingelheim in 2007 as a technical services veterinarian for swine in Western Canada. She has a specific interest in quality research and sustainable agricultural production. She and her husband also own and operate a fourth generation 2000 acre grain farm near Camrose and have two daughters, aged 17 and 18. If you ask her what she does for a living, she may not have a direct answer other than “so many things!”. The path of life is never straight but it sure is good.
Maggie Dalke, B.A., J.D.
Estate & Trust Consultant, Scotia Wealth Management, Calgary, AB
Workshop Speaker
Workshop title • Planning for the Next Generation of Women Farmers – Intergenerational Farm Transfers
Workshop overview: Let the journey begin today, farm succession does not have to be the elephant in the room at family meetings, and the first thing you need is a plan. We look to breakdown the potential individual steps for a smooth farm transition.
As an Estate and Trust Consultant, Maggie is responsible for providing advice and guidance to clients on estate planning opportunities, incorporating professional executor, trustee, and attorney for property services.
Maggie graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School. Upon being called to the bar in Alberta, she practiced law in the areas of estate and tax planning, estate administration, corporate reorganizations and real estate. She also specialized in legal and tax matters for farm families.
In her spare time, Maggie enjoys visiting and giving back to the rural communities where she came from. She enjoys attending the Hand Hills Lake Stampede and volunteers with Alberta Young Speakers for Agriculture at the Calgary Stampede.
Maria Deschauer
Managing Director and Co-Founder, Vermillion Growers Ltd., Dauphin, MB
Presentation title • The Unlikely Farmer: Bringing a 34-Million-dollar, High-tech, Year-round Vegetable Greenhouse to Rural Manitoba
Presentation overview: Controlled environment growing is changing the agricultural landscape of Canada. Access to sustainable and locally grown produce year-round is essential to maintaining healthy communities. Get a first-hand, behind the scenes look at the journey to implement this large-scale agricultural project.
Workshop title • So, You want to be an Entrepreneur
Workshop overview: This workshop will focus on advice given from women entrepreneurs in ag who started their business from their careers in ag and moved into entrepreneurship.
Maria is a seasoned entrepreneur with a passion for rural economic development. She is the Managing Director, Co-Founder and majority shareholder of Vermillion Growers, a large-scale vegetable greenhouse in Dauphin, Manitoba.
7 years ago, Maria was on the lookout for a new venture / challenge when she was introduced to the world of precision agriculture in the form of high-tech greenhouses. The project checked all the boxes Maria needed in her next adventure: Sustainability (financially and environmentally), Scalability potential and Socially rewarding. Local vegetable production would contribute to strengthening Canada’s food security and the Team coming together to make the project a reality would be fun to work with. The research, build and operational stages to get the project up and running has proven to be rewarding and filled with personal growth opportunities.
The world of precision agricultural did not disappoint!
Aaron Ens
Senior Client Relationship Manager, Scotiabank, Calgary, AB
Workshop Speaker
Workshop title • Planning for the Next Generation of Women Farmers – Intergenerational Farm Transfers
Workshop overview: Let the journey begin today, farm succession does not have to be the elephant in the room at family meetings, and the first thing you need is a plan. We look to breakdown the potential individual steps for a smooth farm transition.
Aaron was raised on a family farm in Southern Alberta and attended the University of Lethbridge. After graduating with a degree in Management, Aaron spent multiple years working with Fortune 500 companies in building waste and recycling programs for Waste Management. In 2018, Aaron joined Scotiabank in Commercial Agricultural Banking, with the last 5 years spent working with farming operations with up to one hundred million dollars of lending exposure. Aaron is dedicated to the growth and envisioned success that his clients possess. In his free time, Aaron can be found outside golfing or volunteering at Agriculture specific events within Alberta.
Dianne Finstad
Moderator/Program Host, Red Deer County, AB
Master of Ceremonies
Dianne Finstad used her southern Alberta farm roots to build what’s become a long communications career in television, radio and writing; covering agriculture and rodeo. She’s based in the Red Deer area and is honored to have been part of the AWC family from the start. Dianne serves on the board for Lakeland College, and is a past board member at Westerner Park. Along with Emceeing, announcing and writing stories, you can find Dianne on RFD-TV Canada and The Cowboy Channel Canada with her show called Frontline Farming Canada.
Julia Flinton
Cattle Producer, Manager of Food Systems Program ISPARC, Dog Creek, BC
Presentation title • Passions, Family and Career
Presentation overview: Combining your passions and family to become a career. How I figured out what I wanted to do after graduation, a baby and the career I thought I wanted.
Workshop title • So, You want to be an Entrepreneur
Workshop overview: This workshop will focus on advice given from women entrepreneurs in ag who started their business from their careers in ag and moved into entrepreneurship.
Julia was born and raised in Williams Lake, BC. She grew up on a small family farm and participated in 4H for 12 years. She spent ten years in Saskatchewan pursueing her hockey career. In 2014 she graduated from University of Saskatchewan with her degree in Agriculture Business. After being a wildland firefighter for seven years, and having her daughter, Julia went back to her roots to follow her passion for cattle. In 2022, she was a Cattlemens Young Leaders graduate. She has started her own Angus mixed herd. She is currently living in Dog Creek, BC, helping with her in-laws cow/calf operation and her own families cow/calf operation in Williams Lake, BC. After having her daughter who is of Indigenous decsent, Julia decided that her passion laid within the cattle industry and Indigenous communities. She started an all First Nations 4H Club, called the Williams Lake First Nation 4H Club. The club consists of beef, swine and sheep projects. In 2022 she had 30 members, 25 of which had First Nations status. Currently Julia is working for Indigenous Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity Council, and is working with BC Cattlemens Indigenous Relations Committee to help engage both the ranching and First Nations Communities to have meaningful and healthy conversations about topics both sides are becoming increasingly concerned about. Julia is currently living in Stswecem’c Xgat’tem First Nation with her three year old daughter Eilidh (Aylee) pursueing her dream of running her own cow/calf operation.
Candace Hill (she/her)
Manager, Brand Planning and Advertising Services, FCC, Regina, SK
Presentation title • Midlife + Midcareer: Navigating the magic and the messiness
Presentation overview: Life if filled with twists and turns. Some you see coming, others jump out and knock you off your feet. Candace will share three principles she lives her life by that have helped her to navigate the journey and find joy.
Candace Hill is the Manager, Brand Planning and Advertising Services at FCC. She leads a team of strategic marketing professionals who champion the FCC brand, supporting business results while building relationships with customers and partners across the country.
Candace has worked in marketing for over 24 years in various roles within the financial services and agriculture industries. Since 2012, Candace has been with FCC in agri-marketing roles where she’s created brand and media strategies and led the development of the FCC women entrepreneur strategy. She is a passionate supporter of the agriculture and food industry.
Coming from rural roots, she is now an impassioned advocate for bridging the urban/rural divide and driving change within the broader agriculture innovation ecosystem in Canada.
Marlise Hunter
Director of Platform, Tall Grass Ventures, Calgary, AB
Presentation title • Bridging the Gap
Presentation overview: One of the greatest challenges facing agriculture today is the ever growing disconnect between the farm and fork. Marlise will take a look at the Urban and Rural Divide and how women in agriculture in particular, stand to play a role in bridging the gap.
Marlise is the Director of Platform at Tall Grass Ventures, a Calgary based Agrifood Tech Venture Firm, where she supports the growth of early stage companies who are driving the transformation of the agrifood sector. Before joining Tall Grass, Marlise had over 10 years of business development experience with a strong penchant for supporting organizational growth, strategic partnership development and investment attraction. Her experience had led her to work at the intersection of academia, government and industry in previous roles within agtech venture capital, economic development and tourism. She also currently serves on the Advisory Council for the Simpson School of Public Policy which has a mandate to translate fact based academic research in the agrifood sector to help inform public opinion and drive public policy.
Coming from rural roots, she is now an impassioned advocate for bridging the urban/rural divide and driving change within the broader agriculture innovation ecosystem in Canada.
Tracy Jouan
Vice President of Insurance, AgriStability and Livestock Price Insurance, AFSC, Lacombe, AB
Sponsor Panel Speaker
Panel discussion title • Agriculture is a broad and dynamic industry that is constantly changing. What can women do to be the most effective leaders in today’s environment?
Tracy Jouan is the Vice President of Insurance, AgriStability, and Livestock Price Insurance at AFSC and leads the Insurance delivery team across 38 branches throughout Alberta.
Agriculture has always been at the forefront of Tracy’s life. Growing up on a mixed farm west of Edmonton, Tracy was very active on the family farm and after graduating university, built a career in the agricultural retail sector, holding multiple leadership roles over an 18 year span.
Tracy earned her B.Sc. in Agriculture from the University of Alberta, Masters in Business Administration from the University of Fredericton, is a Professional Agrologist and Certified Crop Advisor.
Carly Kubinec
Pastry Chef & Founder of Crème Cream Puffs, Calgary, AB
Presentation title • Scaling Community Through a Personal Brand
Presentation overview: How I used my personal brand to grow and scale my business on Instagram. I will talk about using a community I had built through my food blog and how I converted that community into customers.
Carly is the chef and founder of Crème Cream Puffs, an online bakery specializing in Modern Cream Puffs. Carly started her business 4 years ago after moving home from London, England where she had studied at Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School and worked in a Michelin Starred Restaurant. Carly has always loved working in the food industry and established her expertise even before starting her business through her food blog called Dim Sum Diet. It was there that Carly shared numerous recipes, restaurant recommendations and “Must Eat’s” while travelling.
Sandra Macenko Merkley, B.A., M.Sc (PI)
Senior Wealth Advisor, Scotia Wealth Management, Calgary, AB
Workshop Speaker
Workshop title • Planning for the Next Generation of Women Farmers – Intergenerational Farm Transfers
Workshop overview: Let the journey begin today, farm succession does not have to be the elephant in the room at family meetings, and the first thing you need is a plan. We look to breakdown the potential individual steps for a smooth farm transition.
Sandra is passionate about excellence in financial services and takes pride in helping families meet and exceed their long-term financial goals. Sandra is highly skilled in assisting clients with their retirement plans, as well as other wealth management services.
Sandra graduated with an Honours BA from Carleton University, later earning an M.Sc. from the University of Toronto. Sandra served three terms on the Calgary Foundation Investment Committee and is a past board member of the EPCOR Centre for Performing Arts (Arts Commons). Since 2013, The Macenko Merkley Group has been a proud sponsor of the Okotoks Dawgs Baseball Club. In 2020, Sandra received a ScotiaMcLeod Share the Wealth award for leadership and dedication to the community. In 2022 Sandra was recognized for the Globe and Mail Canada’s Top Wealth Advisors award – Best in Province. Sandra believes the only better reward is enriching the lives of our clients.
Jennifer Marchand
Government and Industry Relations Leader, Cargill, Saskatoon, SK
Presentation title • It’s not easy. But it’s worth it.
Presentation overview: Development and growth are not easy, nor is building a diverse team. It takes intention, strategy and failure to be successful. Jen will discuss her career path and thoughts on how to grow your career in Agriculture, and how companies can achieve strong talent pools and diversity of leadership.
In her position, Jennifer is a member of the Cargill Canada Leadership team, Cargill Ag Supply Chain Canada leadership team, and leads government & industry affairs for Cargill’s diverse businesses. Since joining Cargill in 1998, Jennifer has worked in a variety roles, most notably in grain and oilseed processing, led teams across North America, and successfully implemented large-scale projects. Jennifer actively represents Cargill and the industry externally, including as Chair of the Board for both the Canola Council of Canada and Cereals Canada, as well as a Director of the Board for Western Grain Elevators Association, and Food and Beverage Canada. She has also previously contributed to the Canada Grains Council and the Canadian Oilseed Processors Association. A lifelong Saskatchewan resident, Jennifer grew up on a farm outside of Radisson and is a graduate of University of Saskatchewan.
Trina McCarroll
Advisor & Facilitator, Hello Courage, Camrose, AB
Presentation title • How to Contribute to Effective, Thriving Teams: Compelling Strategy, Connected Culture, & a Whole Lot of Courage
Presentation overview: Almost everyone in agriculture is part of many teams such as family farms, volunteer boards, and community groups. It’s frustrating and unproductive when teams don’t function well or when you aren’t heard or valued.
Workshop #1: Contributing to High-Performing Ag Teams: Part 1 – Bring Your Courage and Humanity
Workshop overview: Join Part 1 of this workshop to learn and discuss how to courageously live out your values, maximize your strengths, and remember the human side of your group.
Workshop #2: Contributing to High-Performing Ag Teams: Part 2 – Build a Connected Culture and Compelling Strategy
Workshop overview: In Part 2, we will consider how to intentionally build connections with your colleagues and refine your strategic contributions as part of a thriving, successful team.
Trina McCarroll was raised on a multi-generation, multi-family grain farm. Trina now blends her rural roots with her business experience to support organizations across Western Canada to achieve their strategic goals through courageous leadership and connected culture. She believes that organizations are most successful when we recognize the humanity in one another and maximize each other’s strengths.
Trina is the founder of Hello Courage, a facilitation and consulting firm that specializes in strategy, culture, and leadership. As a Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF) and Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHR), Trina’s expertise includes strategic planning, performance metrics, organizational development, and public engagement. She is trained through Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead program and has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Alberta.
Trina lives with her husband and three young kids in Camrose, Alberta near extended family members who farm, ranch, and rodeo. She is a 4-H alumnus, public speaking judge, and active community volunteer.
Jon Neutens
Head of Agriculture, ATB Financial, Calgary, AB
Sponsor Panel Speaker
Panel discussion title • Agriculture is a broad and dynamic industry that is constantly changing. What can women do to be the most effective leaders in today’s environment?
Raised in a family ag-retail business in south-western Ontario, Jon has roots servicing primary agriculture. He has been an entrepreneur, owning a software company providing business systems to grain & crop inputs entities, and a consultant advising international AgTech companies. Jon spent the bulk of his career, however, in the crop life sector with multinationals such as Syngenta, and eventually as President of Nufarm Canada. Jon has served on the industry boards of CropLife Canada and CleanFarms Canada. He joined ATB in August 2019 as Head of Agriculture, where he leads a dedicated team focused solely on banking solutions for the sector. He holds a B.Sc. from the University of Guelph, and an MBA from the University of British Columbia.
Jennay Oliver
Owner/Operator, Paynter’s Fruit Market, West Kelowna, BC
Presentation title • 100 Years of Farming in the Okanagan Valley
Presentation overview: The evolution of our small farm from 1919 to today. At the age of 23, Jennay took over the family farm, learn about the success and failures of getting it at such a young age and what it looks like today.
Jennay is a 4th generation farmer in the Okanagan Valley B.C. Growing up on the farm she knew she wanted to be a farmer from a young age but there was a lot of pressure to go find a job outside of the farm. She went to BCIT and studied Aircraft Maintenance Engineering. Upon finishing that program she headed back to the farm in hopes using her studies in the off season but the farm turned into a full time gig very quickly. What started as a small roadside stand turned into an agri-tourist destination as consumers started looking at where their food comes from.
Meghan Pedros
Manager, National Business Banking Programs, TDBank Group, Toronto, ON
Workshop title • Stand Out! Show up as your BEST self and leverage your personal brand to achieve success!
Workshop overview: The pandemic has undoubtedly left many feelings of uncertainty in the world, which can also affect our mental health and productivity as a result. Now is the time to shift priority, focus on ourselves and how we “show up” everyday. Join us as we identify basic but important fundamentals to build your confidence and enhance your personal brand through the art of networking and personal development planning.
Meghan Pedros is a career-oriented wife, mother, marathoner, mentor and brand ambassador with a passion for developing others through inspiration, mentorship and integrity. With her 17 year career with TD, she has held a series of progressive roles in Retail, Direct Channels, Wealth Management and Human Resources, to name a few. Prior to her current role, Meghan led the Canadian Banking Management Associate and MBA Leadership Programs; which focus on developing general management and leadership capabilities across the organization. In her current role as Manager, National Business Banking Programs, Meghan leads the diversity sourcing and recruitment strategy for our Business Banking Associate Programs across Canada. With a passion for personal development and growth, Meghan plays an active role in supporting Women in Leadership & Diversity initiatives both internally and externally; advocating TD as a career choice for new graduates and a “Place to Be You”.
Shannon Pestun
Sr. Advisor, Business and Finance, Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub, Heritage Pointe, AB
Workshop title • So, You want to be an Entrepreneur
Workshop overview: This workshop will focus on advice given from women entrepreneurs in ag who started their business from their careers in ag and moved into entrepreneurship.
Shannon is the Senior Adviser, Business and Finance for Canada’s Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub (WEKH) where she leads WEKH’s work in mapping Canada’s financial ecosystem and builds programming that increases women’s access to financial, social and entrepreneurial capital. Shannon is also the co-founder of The Finance Cafe.
Shannon was one of the first women in the country to lead a women’s banking strategy and one of seven women appointed to serve on the expert Panel for Canada’s first Women’s Entrepreneurship Strategy. As a proud member of the Métis Nation of Alberta, she is committed to bolstering Indigenous economic prosperity and wellness by driving regional economic growth and bringing an Indigenous-centred approach to her work. In 2020, Shannon created the Gifting circle for Indigenous women entrepreneurs, the first community-funded bursary that supports Indigenous women who pursue entrepreneurship.
Lauren Poitras, CPA, CA, FEA
Business and Family Wealth Specialist, Scotia Wealth Management, Calgary, AB
Workshop Speaker
Workshop title • Planning for the Next Generation of Women Farmers – Intergenerational Farm Transfers
Workshop overview: Let the journey begin today, farm succession does not have to be the elephant in the room at family meetings, and the first thing you need is a plan. We look to breakdown the potential individual steps for a smooth farm transition.
Lauren is a trusted and highly experienced consultant to accomplished business owners and affluent families on matters associated with transition and wealth. She helps guide families through the unique opportunities and challenges they may be facing in the areas of wealth, tax & estate planning, philanthropy, family governance and business succession planning by taking time to thoroughly understand specific goals and objectives. When dealing with business owners, Lauren helps ensure that personal and business goals are aligned by examining the entire financial situation-including the interaction between family, business and ownership structures for today—and with a future transition in mind.
With over 10 years of experience in a professional services firm dealing with both corporate and personal private tax clients, Lauren has gained expertise in several business vehicles including corporations, partnerships and trusts. Lauren holds the CPA, CA designation and has completed Levels 1 and 2 of the CICA In-Depth Tax program.
Megz Reynolds
Executive Director, The Do More Ag Foundation, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Workshop title: Finding Work-Life Balance and Preventing Burnout
Workshop overview: Agriculture is an industry with busy seasons, long days and uncertainty. Preventing burnout and creating that elusive work-life balance begins with understanding how to keep our mental health in the “green”, the warning signs to look for in ourselves and others and how to have a conversation.”
Megz has first hand experience in agriculture as a former grain farmer and is personally familiar with the unique challenges the industry faces. Through grassroots advocacy and policy work Megz has been part of creating change at a provincial, federal and global level, always with a focus on the mental health of producers and the industry as a whole. As the Executive Director of The Do More Agriculture Foundation Megz is using her background and lived experience to continue the conversation, raise awareness for mental health in agriculture, create community, build and strengthen partnerships and do more for those in agriculture, their families and rural communities.
Kyla Ripley
GM, Carlo Genetics Inc; AI Specialist, Global Male Reproduction Services, Topigs Norsvin, Carlo Genetics Inc and Topigs Norsvin, Oak Bluff, MB
Presentation title • My Trip from Outport Newfoundland to Swine Male Reproduction Specialist!
Presentation overview: Kyla grew up in Newfoundland surrounded by the Atlantic ocean where you were far more likely to join the fishery or oil sector than anything else. Kyla has always had a keen interest in agriculture and in University discovered a love of pigs then chanced into AI. There is a story in between that keeps developing but she’ll leave that for our time together!
Kyla Ripley brings almost twenty-five years of hog industry experience to her role as General Manager for Carlo Genetics Inc and AI Specialist for AIM Worldwide GTS. A Dalhousie Ag Campus graduate with a BSC in Agriculture and Animal Science, Kyla has a real passion for the hog industry. Building on her educational foundation, along with several years managing three different AI Centres and a decade plus of industry experience in domestic and export logistics management, Kyla has combined her extensive experience and understanding of the industry into her roles.
Kyla leads the team of professionals at Carlo Genetics as well as provides technical support to AIM Worldwide AI Centres globally with keen focus on quality control, dedication to animal husbandry, and a commitment to embracing advancements in AI technology.
Manuela Saliba
Senior Manager, Talent Attraction, Nutrien, Calgary, AB
Workshop title • Ageism in the Workplace
Workshop overview: This presentation will provide an overview of biases we see and experience in the workplace with older candidates and employees.
Manuela Saliba is a Brazilian Canadian trilingual professional with over 20 years of experience in Recruitment. She graduated in industrial psychology and specialized in psychological trait assessment. Since 2011 she has worked for Nutrien/Agrium, where she had several positions, including Sourcer, Recruiter Team leader, Manager and presently, Sr. Manager. She had the opportunity to oversee the Corporate, Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potash Business Units responsible for recruiting all position levels. With a passion for Inclusion, Manny has dedicated the past few years to learning how to promote a more inclusive workplace and remove bias from the recruitment process. With a diverse background, Manuela is passionate about learning about new cultures and how they may impact hiring decisions. Manuela lives in Calgary, which she calls home, with her lovely husband and daughter Natalie.
Ashley Smith
Marketing Manager – Crop Protection Western Canada, Bayer Crop Science Inc., Calgary, AB
Workshop title: Finding Work-Life Balance and Preventing Burnout
Workshop overview: Agriculture is an industry with busy seasons, long days and uncertainty. Preventing burnout and creating that elusive work-life balance begins with understanding how to keep our mental health in the “green”, the warning signs to look for in ourselves and others and how to have a conversation.”
Ashley Smith brings nearly 20 years of experience in the agriculture industry and a passion for agriculture, since she was born and raised on a family-run cow/calf operation in central Alberta. After completing her BSc in Agriculture Biotechnology degree, Ashley achieved her professional agrologist designation and has foundationally built her career in agronomy, customer relations and Ag Advocacy across the food supply chain. Her career has navigated from grassroots ‘boots on the ground’ roles of agronomy consulting to portfolio management, and she now leads marketing for Bayer’s Western Canadian Crop Protection. From her roots growing up in Agriculture, to a career in Crop Production, to now raising her own family alongside her husband Trevor in Southern AB, Ashley brings a unique view on what leadership in agriculture has meant to her. She is also excited about how we can continue to strengthen what being a female leader can mean for the next generation in the industry.
Jodi Souter
President, J4 Agri-Science Ltd, Saskatoon, SK
Presentation title • Navigating a Field of Barriers
Presentation overview: Starting a business can be bumpy—starting an agricultural business as a young woman can be downright rough. Lessons learned through the best career decision I’ve ever made.
Dr. Jodi Souter is a business owner, plant breeder, farmer and Nuffield Scholar from Northeastern, Saskatchewan. After completing graduate school, Jodi worked as a contract plant breeder, before deciding she was going to take a risk and start her own plant breeding company. There are few private plant breeding companies in Western Canada, and even fewer in broad-acre inbred crop development. Jodi is passionate about increasing competition in variety development and giving farmers better varieties and additional choice in what they want to grow. Jodi hopes to change the way Canadians think about plant breeding and to create an environment where younger plant breeders can follow their chosen dreams with fewer obstacles than she faced.
Nicole Stelter
Vice President Agriculture, TD Bank, Leduc, AB
Banquet Speaker
Nicole has always had a passion for Agriculture. As an Olds College Ag Business graduate, Nicole wanted to combine her passion for Agriculture with her interest of finance. Upon graduation, she was hired by TD Bank as an Agriculture Management trainee and over the last 25 years has been able to grow her career within the bank in Small Business, Commercial and Agriculture Lending. Today, Nicole is Vice President of TD Agriculture for Alberta and enjoys leading a team that shares her same passion and commitment to Agriculture along with supporting the growth and sustainability of the industry.
Nicole is a 4th generation farmer, raised on a mixed grain and cattle farm in Nisku, Alberta and today operates a 1,500 acre grain farm in South West Edmonton alongside her husband. She is the proud of the her family’s deep history and commitment to farming in Alberta, as both her family and her husband’s family have been farming continuously for 125 years and 103 years respectively.
Megan Stephenson
Human Resources Business Partner, Parrish & Heimbecker, Cambridge, ON
Sponsor Panel Speaker
Panel discussion title • Agriculture is a broad and dynamic industry that is constantly changing. What can women do to be the most effective leaders in today’s environment?
I have worked in HR for over 13 years. Most of my experience is in the not for profit sector. I am new to the Agriculture Industry and began working for P&H in August 2022. I am loving it so far. I grew up in a small town outside of Winnipeg, Manitoba and moved to Ontario during my high school years. I have 2 boys, 2 dogs, 1 cat and a bearded dragon! I enjoy hockey and swimming!
Becky Taylor
Owner/Co-Founder, BS Communication Strategies Inc., Mountain View County, AB
Presentation title • The Communication Landscape, A Kaleidoscope of Tools & Fools
Presentation overview: We have been experiencing a surge of communication platforms, mediums and gadgets. Which one works best? Enhance your skills and navigate a changing landscape of communication. Learn how!
Workshop #1 • Dare to Dialogue. Communicating Intent.
Workshop overview: Explore the science of non verbal communication and learn how to build your skills so your message becomes crystal clear and mirrors your intent.
Workshop #2 • Dare to Dialogue. Empathy For Beginners!
Workshop overview: Empathy is often mislabeled and misconstrued. Learn how to express empathy & build connection, without it costing your own emotional health.
Becky Taylor is a “vintage” RVT, having been in the profession of veterinary medicine for almost 30 years. In that time she has worked in practice, in education, in industry and is now operating her own business, BS Communication Strategies where she coaches and teaches individuals, groups, teams, and students to ‘communicate better’. She has participated provincially, nationally, and internationally in the leading & supporting of veterinary medicine, attended hundreds of CE opportunities and is a strong advocate for the role of Technologists. A pinnacle of her education was completing an MA in Professional Communication in 2016 which propelled her to starting her own business coaching & teaching people to enhance their communication in a skill based, interactive way. She is a self proclaimed Communication Nerd!
Courtney Thevenot
Director & Group Lead, Prairies Agriculture, Scotiabank, Saskatoon, SK
Workshop title: Finding Work-Life Balance and Preventing Burnout
Workshop overview: Agriculture is an industry with busy seasons, long days and uncertainty. Preventing burnout and creating that elusive work-life balance begins with understanding how to keep our mental health in the “green”, the warning signs to look for in ourselves and others and how to have a conversation.”
Sponsor Panel Speaker
Panel discussion title • Agriculture is a broad and dynamic industry that is constantly changing. What can women do to be the most effective leaders in today’s environment?
As Director & Group Lead, Agriculture Banking, Courtney Thevenot leads Scotiabank’s Commercial Agriculture teams across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. She grew up on a Saskatchewan grain farm, and has always had an interest in numbers and business along with a passion for agriculture. Courtney holds a B.Comm Degree with a Finance Major from the University of Saskatchewan (Huskie Athletics Alumna), and has spent her career in the commercial banking industry with over 9 years of experience. She currently resides in Saskatoon, SK, and outside of leading a team of passionate agricultural bankers, Courtney is a wife and mother of an incredible 2 year old boy.
Debbie Thompson
Vice President Academic & Student Experience, Old College, Olds, AB
Presentation title • Pathways: Finding your Way
Presentation overview: Through the sharing of various aspects of Debbie’s career pathway story, including the ups and downs, the challenges, and the risks and successes, this session will provide participants the opportunity to reflect on and explore their own current and future career pathways.
Debbie Thompson is the Vice President Academic and Student Experience at Olds College of Agriculture and Technology. As the College’s senior representative responsible for academic programming and student experience, she leads by collaboratively seeking and assessing opportunities that are supported by evidence; aligning the strengths and capabilities of the College and coordinating the engagement of the College community to maximize the benefit for students and the College. A primary focus is on student success and growing the Olds College learner by establishing and implementing unique partnerships and pursuing entrepreneurial initiatives and programs in response to the needs of industry. This results in innovation in content, delivery formats and student experiences, while maintaining the College’s excellent reputation for academic quality and integrity. Prior to her current role, Debbie has held the position of Vice President Student and Support Services and Dean of Animal Sciences and Horticulture at Olds College. Debbie is passionate about education and learning as is evidenced by over twenty years in the K-12 education system as a teacher, curriculum coordinator, vice-principal and principal. Debbie holds a Bachelor of Education Degree from the University of Calgary and a Masters Degree from Royal Roads University. She is currently enrolled in the Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership program through Northcentral University. Debbie enjoys spending time with her family and has loved raising their family in the Olds community for over 22 years.
Alison Weaver
Owner, Alison Weaver – Herstory and Fourth Meridian Farms Ltd., Lloydminster, AB
Presentation title • Marathon Called Life
Presentation overview: Alison will share stories of her life on the farm, a life where balance can be a myth. Through her talk she will share how you balance the sprinting, leave the guilt behind and enjoy the Marathon called Life.
Alison has a deep passion for Agriculture and family farming. Alongside her husband and son, they own and operate Fourth Meridian Farms – a fifth generation grain and cattle operation, by Lloydminster, Alberta.
Alison is involved in every aspect of the farm from investment decisions, assessing land, and sustainability protocols to operating machinery and cooking meals. She holds a diploma in Agriculture from the University of Saskatchewan and a Leadership Certificate from the Edwards School of Business. She is an active member of the 4-H Expo committee at the Lloydminster Exhibition and has been a 4-H leader for 15 years.
Alison truly believes everyone has a story to share and encourages women to share their stories to help others follow their dreams, too! Alison believes in building community through collaboration with each other.
Alison is the creator of Navigate, a day/life planner for rural women and women in ag. She has truly enjoyed the journey with Navigate to build community and connection. The bonus of Navigate is her daughter, Amanda, works with her to bring this beautiful book to all of you.
Spending time with Alison will make you feel energized, resilient and always knowing “you are enough”.
Shirley Weir
Menopause Expert or Founder, MenopauseChicks.com, Menopause Chicks, Port Moody, BC
Sunday (March 12, 2023) Afternoon Special Session:
Presentation title • You Deserve to Feel Amazing
Presentation overview: You CAN navigate perimenopause-to-menopause (and beyond!) with confidence and ease. But you can’t do it alone.
Shirley Weir introduces herself as a Menopause Chick. Now 55, her perimenopause journey began in her 40s. Sore boobs, sleep deprivation, depression and brain fog led Shirley to her doctor’s office, the book store and “Dr. Google,” but she was left feeling confused, overwhelmed and alone. Ten years ago, she launched MenopauseChicks.com onto the world stage to empower women to get curious about their health—and with a reminder that we all deserve to feel AMAZING!
As a fierce advocate for women’s health, Shirley teaches women hormone health, and also how to be their own best health advocate. Her audience reaches over 120K women around the world while she moderates a private community with over 47K members who regard the group as trustworthy and the “go-to” place to get their questions addressed. Last year, the group generated over 2.2 million site visits—but that doesn’t surprise Shirley as her research shows 77% of women have questions about their health, and more than 80% state they don’t have anyone to talk to about perimenopause or menopause.
Shirley is a TedX Speaker, a recipient of the YWCA Women of Distinction award, has tweeted for Oprah and speaks regularly to media. Her first book, MOKITA: How to navigate perimenopause with confidence & ease is an Amazon bestseller in women’s health. Her second book, FEEL AMAZING: An invitation to re-think perimenopause, menopause & postmenopause is a gift with purchase in retailers across the country in 2022 & 2023.
Shirley is a communications graduate from Wilfrid Laurier University and holds a certificate in Peer Counselling from the University of British Columbia. She lives in Port Moody and is the mother of two young adults and one golden doodle.

Melissa Werkema
Owner, Future Analytics Inc., Red Deer, AB
Presentation title • To Bring Back Independent Research and Opportunities
Presentation overview: Independent research and work is essential for increasing Canadas crop productivity and understanding the complexities of the plant and soil using organic chemistry. The risks and rewards of having the confidence and determination to create an atypical business and learning environment.
I grew up on a farm just outside of Blackfalds, Alberta. I have been passionate chemistry all my life and took off to British Columbia when I was 19 to pursue a diploma of technology in chemical sciences. My adventure continued when I applied for an archeological dig in Jerusalem, Israel where I met a wide range of professors from Tel Aviv University and Heidelburg University in Germany. I had the opportunity to contact a professor at the Weizmann Institute of Science, and was brought on as a student to do Masters level research. What was supposed to take 6 months, continued for a total of 3 years and I helped create many different reference libraries for plant and soil substances. I decided to bring my knowledge back to Canada because we lack the independent research that is needed to expand and cultivate this countries productivity. I am passionate about bringing in and taking care of new science-based graduates to experience a positive workplace where learning takes priority. This will allow advances in research as well as inspire people to continue having a passion about science. I want to give people the opportunity and chances that were given to me.
Sarah Ykema, CPA, CA, MPAcc
Senior Manager, Tax, Grant Thornton, Calgary, AB
Workshop Speaker
Workshop title • Planning for the Next Generation of Women Farmers – Intergenerational Farm Transfers
Workshop overview: Let the journey begin today, farm succession does not have to be the elephant in the room at family meetings, and the first thing you need is a plan. We look to breakdown the potential individual steps for a smooth farm transition.
Sarah is a Senior Manager, International Tax Services, in the Calgary Office, focussing on tax and provision preparation and review, tax research, and tax planning. Sarah has in-depth experience that she will apply in her work to bring guidance and insight to her clients.
Sarah has a passion for helping entrepreneurs and small to medium sized businesses find tax solutions that work for them. With over 12 years of experience in public accounting, Sarah is proficient in performing a full spectrum of tax engagements including personal, corporate, partnership and trust tax returns, planning documents for corporate reorganizations, international tax planning, and tax research.